
Showing posts from August, 2019

احترموا عقل القارئ - احمد جمعة - البلاد


هل نشهد حرب الشاحنات؟ احمد جمعة - البلاد

سدوا الثغرة قبل فوات الأوان - احمد جمعة - البلاد

خليفة بن سلمان يحدث فرقا في العالم

Oops did I just write that….

by : Shorok Ahmed Oops did I just write that….   All my life I have been flying against the wind and even when the odds were against me I stepped on them and broke them, since I was little girl until now.  The odds says that a black free-minded girl who only cares about enjoying this wild journey called life, who will never have more than what her world offers her, that one day will have her own voice. Everyone thought and said that i will never be good at school even when I was bullied for my color I used to pass all my classes not by being at the top of my class but I used to pass with fine grades which was mentally challenging, those who bullied me had better grades than me, and at that time they looked better than me because they were white according to them and I’m black, I said to myself FUCK THE ODDS i am going to graduate from high school and I will get the highest degrees and I will be at the top in life, gues

توقفت احلام الاجيال - إلى أين سائرون؟ احمد جمعة البلاد

جوخة وكراهية كل ما هو خليجي - احمد جمعة - البلاد

انتبهوا للقوانين القاتلة - احمد جمعة - البلاد