
Showing posts from January 24, 2015

LOUTES: Soon published novel (British yusra)

LOUTES: Soon published novel (British yusra) : Soon published novel Tells the story of Yusra Jabbar Sharif Scarlet … The novel deals with the story of the evolution of women’s yu...

Soon published novel (British yusra)

Soon published novel Tells the story of Yusra Jabbar Sharif Scarlet … The novel deals with the story of the evolution of women’s yusra Zubairian origins and roots “Aneyadh” with the stages of transformations: Yusra Scarlet British yusra     Yusra terrorist And transit stations during the journey stretching across years embers of Zubair to Aleppo to the   Lebanese border, Syrian, Turkish and Iraqi passing Bahrain, Dubai and L

LOUTES: الفجر

LOUTES: الفجر

